Cosmetic eyelid surgery aims to restore a youthful appearance to the periocular region. The main operation is the “Blepharoplasty” or the reduction of excess upper eyelid skin. The lower eyelids can also be rejuvenated by contouring the lower lid fat and tightening the skin.
Patients should be aware that they may be eligible for Medicare or Health insurance rebates for this surgery if they meet certain medical criteria.
Dr Smith performs upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty. He uses a CO2 laser for the surgery in preference to a scalpel, resulting in less bruising and less swelling and a quicker recovery.
Dr Smith is an expert in Eyebrow lift, Asian double eyelid crease surgery, as well as canthoplasty, epiblepharon and epicanthal surgery. He offers both direct brow lift and pretrichial brow lift surgery techniques to patients.
Dr Smith has an excellent understanding but does not perform cosmetic botox injections or periocular dermal filler injections, preferring to focus on the surgical aspect of periocular rejuvenation. He is happy to recommend, consult or work with your cosmetic physician to assist you to achieve your desired result.
He is registered to provide Botox for eligible patients with blepharospasm, which is subsidised and attracts a Medicare rebate.